The Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandian visited Kolkata

13 November, 2010

In the framework of the official visit to India, the Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandian arrived in Kolkata on November 12.

In Kolkata Edward Nalbandian met with the Governor of Western Bengal Mayankote Kelath Narayanan. They discussed the possibilities of expansion of dicentrlized cooperation between Armenia and India and the perspectives of establishing interaction between Indian state West Bengal and one of Armenia’s regions.

Minister Nalbandian stressed with satisfaction the existence of rich Armenian cultural heritage in the state - five churches and over two hundred year school. The Armenian Foreign Minister also underlined that the authorities of the state have always been careful with the preservation of the Armenian historical-cultural heritage in West Bengal.

Governor Mayankote Kelath Narayanan expressed readiness to continue efforts in that direction.

Edward Nalbandian also visited the Armenian school in Kolkata where he met with the teachers and over eight dozen school children.

Welcoming the guests, the Pastor of the Armenians in India Fr. Khoren Hovhannisyan said that Edward Nalbandian is the first high-ranking Armenian official who visits Kolkata’s Armenian school, which is symbolic and shows the importance attached by the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to the strengthening of ties between Armenia and the Diaspora.

The Armenian Foreign Minister delivered a speech before the school children and answered a number of questions.

In Kolkata Minister Nalbandian also visited the Holy Nazareth Armenian Church of Kolkata.

Edward Nalbandian also visited the House founded by Mother Tereza in Kolkata where the tomb of Mother Tereza is located as well. Minister Nalbandian paid tribute to her memeory.

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