The political consultations between the MFAs of Armenia and Germany took place at the Armenian Foreign Ministry

11 May, 2011

On May 11, the political consultations between the MFAs of the Republic of
Armenia and Federal Republic of Germany took place at the Armenian Foreign

The Armenian delegation was led by the RA Deputy Minister Karine Kazinian
and German delegation- by Ambassador Patricia Flor, the German MFA
Representative for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. The Armenian Ambassador to Germany Armen Martirosyan and German Ambassador to Armenia Hans-Jochen Schmidt attended the meeting, as well.

The sides discussed the issues related to the political dialogue between
Armenia and Germany, cooperation in bilateral, trade-economic, cultural,
consular and legal-contractual spheres, as well as issues of cooperation
in the international organizations. The sides also touched upon the
cooperation of the Armenian-German brigades within the frames of
international peacekeeping mission.

Upon the request of the German side, Armenia’s approaches on regional
issues were presented as well.

In the course of the meeting, the current stage and perspectives of the
cooperation between Armenia and the European Union were discussed. The
sides attached special attention to the negotiations over the Association
Agreement with the EU. The Armenian side stressed the importance of the
effective steps undertaken towards the visa facilitation with the EU.
The sides reached an agreement to hold the next Armenian-German
consultations in Berlin in 2012.

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