The Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandian met with Hillary Clinton, the USA Secretary of State

19 May, 2011

On May 19, the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian met with the USA Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington DC.

Welcoming the Armenian Foreign Minister, Hillary Clinton mentioned that the United States and Armenia are linked with a strong friendship and partnership, and the relations are becoming more strengthened and developed. “Foreign Minister Nalbandian and I have met many times and it is once again a delight to welcome him to the State Department. The United States and Armenia have many connections and relationships that span politics and go into family and so much else that is very important to us. And we have many, many important issues ahead of us, and I look forward to continuing the important conversation that we’ve been carrying out.”

Expressing gratitude for the invitation to visit Washington, Minister Nalbandian said, “The frequency of our meetings proves our commitment to deepen and to strengthen Armenian-American relations. Due to our joint efforts, we elevated our relationship to a qualitatively new level during the last years.”

Edward Nalbandian and Hillary Clinton discussed a wide range of issues related to various spheres of bilateral cooperation, the possibilities of the development and expansion of economic interaction, the positive process of the implementation of democratic reforms in Armenia and regional issues.

In the course of the meeting, the Armenian Foreign Minister and Secretary of State exchanged views on the recent developments in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton underlined that the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is possible only through peaceful means and mentioned that the USA as OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair, will continue its full support for the achievement of agreements between the sides and settlement of the issue.

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