Political consultations between the MFAs of Armenia and Italy took place in Rome

03 June, 2011

On June 3, political consultations between the MFAs of Armenia and Italy took place in Rome. In the course of the consultations, the RA Deputy Foreign Minister Arman Kirakossian with his Italian counterpart, Senator Alfredo Mantica discussed a number of issues related to the Armenian-Italian relations and regional cooperation.

During the meeting, Mr. Arman Kirakossian particularly stressed the importance of high-level reciprocal visits, the necessity of creating an inter-governmental commission and of intensification of economic cooperation. The RA Deputy Foreign Minister presented the details of the unique exhibition that would be organized simultaneously in central museums of Venice in December, as well. The exhibition will be dedicated to the 500th Anniversary of the Armenian typography and will be conducted under the high auspices of the Presidents of Armenia and Italy.

The Italian Deputy Foreign Minister, Senator Alfredo Mantica expressed his country’s readiness for further deepening of relations with Armenia in all spheres and organizing of relevant visits. Mr. Alfredo Mantica also expressed the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation with the Veneto region of Italy in the spheres of jewelry, wine and tourism.

In the course of the visit, Mr. Arman Kirakossian gave a lecture on security related issues in the South Caucasus in the NATO Defense College in the frames of special courses that are organized for the high-ranking officers of that eminent institution.

Before the lecture, the Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Arman Kirakossian was received by Lieutenant-General Wolf-Dieter Loeser, the Head of the College. The Head of the College highly assessed the level of the cooperation with the Armenian side and specially stressed the fact that it was “the first time a high-ranking official from the Armenian MFA gives a lecture in the College”. After the lecture, Deputy Foreign Minister Arman Kirakossian answered numerous questions of the attendees.

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