Visit to Brussels of the delegation led by Karine Kazinian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia

15 July, 2011

On July 15, the 6th plenary session of the negotiations on the Association Agreement between Armenia and the European Union took place in Brussels.

The Armenian delegation was led by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, Chief negotiator, Karine Kazinian. From the EU side, the negotiations were chaired by Gunnar Wiegand, the Director for Russia, Eastern Partnership and Central Asia in the European External Action Service .

In the course of the session the objectives and general principles of the future Agreement, and issues related to political dialogue, cooperation in justice and security spheres were discussed.

The sides summarized the results of the negotiations, confirming that substantial progress has been achieved since the negotiations were launched on 19 July 2010. The next plenary session is scheduled to be held in October of this year.

On July 14 the second session of the Armenia-EU Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom and Security issues took place in Brussels.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Armenian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice, State Migration Service, the Police and Prosecutor General’s Office. On the part of the EU, the meeting was attended by the representatives of the European External Action Service, the EC’s Directorates - General of Justice and  Home Affairs. 

In the course of the meeting issues related to visa facilitation, migration, fight against organized crime and border management were discussed. The sides exchanged views on the recent legislative developments in Armenia and the EU, judicial reforms being implemented in Armenia and the support provided by the EU in these areas.

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