The RA Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense participated in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council dedicated to the cooperation between Armenia and NATO

27 July, 2011

On July 27, in Brussels – the NATO Headquarter- the meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) took place within 28+1 format which was attended by the Armenian Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense Edward Nalbandian and Seryan Ohanyan, and 28 Ambassadors of the NATO member states.

In the course of the meeting the Armenian Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense delivered speeches.

In his speech Minister Nalbandian touched upon various spheres of the cooperation between Armenian and the NATO, the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy-the rapprochement process with the European family and the recent developments in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Armenia’s position on the issues of the international relations agenda.

Touching upon Armenia-NATO relations, Edward Nalbandian positively assessed the established effective interaction in the frames of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and Individual Partnership Action plan (IPAP).

In his speech the Armenian Minister of Defense presented the process and perspectives of the reforms being implemented in the security and defense spheres.

The NATO Deputy Secretary General Claudio Bisogniero and around a dozen representatives of the member-countries addressed speeches during the meeting of the North Atlantic Council. The NATO Deputy Secretary General highly commended the cooperation with Armenia in a number of areas.

The speakers highly assessed the results of the implementation of the Individual Partnership Action plan, the process of the reforms being implemented in Armenia, and Armenia’s participation in the peacekeeping operations being conducted in Kosovo and Afghanistan. In that context, the speakers welcomed Armenia’s decision to triple the participation in the security assistance operation carried out in Afghanistan as well as continuing the mission in Kosovo.

Afterwards, Ministers Nalbandian and Ohanyan answered numerous questions of the Ambassadors of the NATO member-countries, which were about the foreign policy of the country, regional developments and the reforms being implemented in Armenia in the spheres of security and defense.

Ahead of the NAC meeting, the Armenian Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense Edward Nalbandian and Seryan Ohanyan met with the NATO Deputy Secretary General Claudio Bisogniero. In the course of the meeting the sides touched upon the cooperation between Armenia and the NATO in the frames of the Partnership for Peace and Individual Partnership Action plan.

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