Ambassador Dziunik Aghajanian presented her credentials to the OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü

26 August, 2011

On August 26, Dziunik Aghajanian, the Ambassador of Armenia to the Kingdom of Netherlands, presented her credentials to Ahmet Üzümcü, the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

In the course of the talk, the Director-General highly assessed the level of cooperation between Armenia and OPCW, mentioning that Armenia has mostly fulfilled its commitments as anticipated by the Convention. He raised those issues which are still in need of being regulated in the context of the OPCW.

During the conversation, Mr. Üzümcü presented the issues facing the Organization, particularly noting that the reforms are underway, the success of which depend on the active participation of all the member-countries.

Presenting the steps that have been undertaken in Armenia towards the implementation of the Convention’s provisions, Ambassador Aghajanian stressed the importance of international and regional cooperation in fighting against prohibition of chemical weapons and the necessity to elaborate preventive measures and flexible mechanisms in overcoming current challenges.

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