The consultation of the MFA senior staff and heads of diplomatic missions started in Yerevan

30 August, 2011

On August 30, the regular meeting of the MFA senior staff and heads of diplomatic missions started in the conference hall of Karen Demirchyan Sports-Concert Complex.

During the meeting Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia, delivered a programmatic speech on the foreign policy of Armenia. The Head of the State touched upon the international and regional processes.

Talking about the most important anniversary to be celebrated this year, the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan said that the diplomatic service celebrates its 20th anniversary as well and in that context the President of the Republic touched upon the past of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The President said: “We have passed the test of time with honour. We have withstood multiple challenges and pressures, which often emanated from the changes in the foreign policy environment and international situation, sometimes also due to our own failings. Yes, we have overcome those challenges and pressures and never put our independence and security, our sovereignty and our achievements in danger. Furthermore, we have survived those pressures even more hardened, appearing before the world as a reliable partner whose words and deeds do not differ, who is not trying to shift its share of responsibility for international and regional problems to others. Many of the issues we face still remain unsolved. However I have no doubt that our diplomacy will eventually crown with success our mission which we inaugurated with victories.”

In his speech, the Head of the Republic also touched upon the priorities of the agenda of Armenia’s foreign policy, the current stage of our country’s cooperation with many others and the perspectives of the development, the expectations from the active, purposeful and initiating activities of the diplomatic missions of the RA in various areas and the existing challenges, as well as the work with the Diaspora.

In conclusion the President of Armenia said, “I wish you, the moving force of our independent state’s diplomacy, to be more confident, vigorous, enthusiastic and purposeful, ready for new diplomatic battles and victories.”

The RA President answered the questions of the participants of the meeting.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian in his speech stressed the importance of outlining of the ways to implement the tasks and assignments presented by the President of the Republic in the course of two-day discussions of the ambassadorial meeting. Minister Nalbandian touched upon the steps undertaken by Armenia in both bilateral and multilateral dimensions, the involvement of our country in the international and regional organizations, parliamentary and cultural diplomacy, the raising of the effectiveness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions in abroad, as well as the issues related to the preparation of personnel for diplomatic service.

On the same day, Hovik Abrahamyan, the President of the National Assembly, addressed a speech in the ambassadorial meeting presenting the international activities of the Armenian Parliament, inter-parliamentary ties, the activities of the NA’s delegations in the parliamentary assemblies of international organizations, and touching upon the issues of the cooperation between the NA and MFA.

After the speech of the NA Chairman, by the participation of the chairmen of the Standing Committees on the State and Legal Affairs, Foreign Relations and European Integration, respectively Davit Harutyunyan, Armen Rustamyan and Naira Zohrabyan, the participants exchanged views on the intensification of parliamentary diplomacy.

The next speaker of the meeting was Tigran Sargsyan, the Prime Minister, who presented the concept of the development of Armenia’s economy, the steps being undertaken towards the overcoming the global economic crisis, the ongoing reforms in the economic, tax and customs spheres, the works being implemented towards the improvement of business environment and promotion of foreign investments.

Gorik Hakobyan, the Director of the National Security Service, delivered a speech in the ambassadorial meeting. In his speech the head of the National Security Service touched upon the cooperation between the NSS and MFA for maintaining the security of the country.

Issues of cooperation between Armenia and the Diaspora, pan-Armenian events, the works with the Armenian community organizations in different countries, the works being conducted in the spheres of Armenian studies and preservation of Armenian identity, the initiatives of the Ministry of Diaspora, and the interaction between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora were touched upon in the speech by Hranush Hakobyan, Minister of Diaspora and during the subsequent discussions.

The next speaker of the ambassadorial meeting was Hasmik Poghosyan, Minister of Culture, who spoke about the activities aimed at the strengthening and development of cultural ties with abroad, the scheduled events on the occasion of declaring Yerevan as a World Book Capital in 2012 by the UNESCO, the organization of events on the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing, and the cooperation with the representatives of the MFA and diplomatic missions in organizing cultural days and weeks.

Hayk Demoyan, the Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and the Secretary of the State Commission of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, presented the preparatory works of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide .

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