Edward Nalbandian delivered the traditional first lecture in the Faculty of International Relations at the YSU

01 September, 2011

On September 1, according to tradition established in recent years, the RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian visited the Yerevan State University (YSU) where he delivered a speech before the professors, lecturers and first-year students of the Faculty.

In his speech, Minister Nalbandian congratulated the first-year students of the biggest university in Armenia on the occasion of entering the University and the first day of the educational year and wished a fruitful learning and rich knowledge.

The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the main directions and priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, touched upon the results of the meeting of the Armenian MFA senior staff and heads of diplomatic missions and presented in detail the recent developments in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Answering the question of a student Minister Nalbandian underlined that we have reached a point when the mediators, international community and Armenia, which has a position in line with them, thought that the Basic principles presented by the Co-Chairs in the Kazan meeting by the mediation and presence of the Russian President, could be a basis for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. The refusal and destructive position of Azerbaijan made impossible to achieve progress.

The same also happened during the Sochi Summit in March 2011, in the Astrakhan Summit in October 2010 and in the Saint Petersburg Summit in June 2010, where Azerbaijan actually prevented the achievement of an agreement.

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