Armenian-Korean political consultations at the RA MFA

16 September, 2011

On September 16, political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Korea took place in Yerevan.

On the Armenian side the delegation was led by Sergey Manasaryan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the Korean side the delegation was led by Li Vuk-Heon, General Director of the European Bureau of Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

In the course of the consultations, the sides discussed a wide range of issues related to bilateral relations, particularly the intensification of reciprocal visits of high-ranking officials and trade –economic and cultural ties, the development of the legal framework, as well as bilateral cooperation being implemented within the frames of international organizations.

During the meeting, regional issues were touched upon. In that context, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Manasaryan presented to the guests the recent development in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

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