Joint Declaration on a Mobility Partnership between Armenia and the EU

27 October, 2011

On October 27, the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs Cecilia Malmström and the Ministers of Internal Affairs of the EU member-states signed Joint Declaration on a Mobility Partnership between Armenia and the EU.

At the ceremony of the signing of the Declaration, the Minister of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, expressing satisfaction with the signing of the Declaration, mentioned that the mobility facilitation of people and stimulation and intensification of the contacts between the citizens of Armenia and the EU are an important element of Armenia’s European rapprochement.

“We welcome the proposal of the European Commission to launch the negotiations over the visa facilitation regime between Armenia and the EU and we hope that the European Council will very rapidly approve the mandate for the launching of the negotiations. Armenia is expecting to sign with the EU the agreements on visa facilitation regime and readmission very quickly.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Nalbandian underlined that the visa regime waiver for the citizens is the goal of the next phase of the cooperation.

The goal of the cooperation around the mobility is the control over migration flows between Armenia and the EU, the struggle against illegal migration and regulation of legal entry allowances for RA citizens.

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