The Japanese Ambassador presented the copies of his credentials to the Armenia Minister of Foreign Affairs

07 November, 2011

On November 7, the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian received the newly appointed Ambassador of Japan to Armenia Takehito Harada (residence in Moscow) on the occasion of presenting of the copies of his credentials.

Congratulating the Ambassador on his appointment, Minister Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia attaches great importance to the development of diversified relations with Japan, which were on rise during recent years. Edward Nalbandian also expressed confidence that the new Ambassador would bring its contribution to the strengthening of the cooperation between the two counties.

“Last year the opening of the Armenian Embassy to Tokyo is a evidence of the importance attached by us to the development of comprehensive cooperation with Japan,” said Edward Nalbandian.

Thanking Minister Nalbandian for the warm wishes, Ambassador Harada assured that he would do his utmost to contribute to the development of bilateral relations.

The Ambassador of Japan, on behalf of Japanese Government, expressed gratitude for the condolences received from Armenia on the occasion of the earthquake happened in Japan on 11 March of this year, as well as the assistance provided by Armenia for the elimination the consequences of the natural disaster.

In the course of the meeting, the sides touched upon the possibilities of organization of high-level visits, and the implementation of the trade-economic and cultural cooperation promotion and investment projects.

Minister Nalbandian expressed gratitude for Japan’s continues support to the development of Armenia’s economy.

The interlocutors discussed a wide range of international and regional issues.

Upon the request of the guest, Edward Nalbandian presented the recent developments in Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

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