The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs received the newly appointed representative of the United Nations Children's Fund

10 November, 2011

On November 10, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian received Manja Henriette Ahrens, the newly appointed representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on the occasion of presenting the credentials.

Congratulating the guest, on the occasion of the appointment, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia highly assesses the activities implemented by the United Nations Children's Fund aimed at the protection of children’s rights, and the solution of issues related to their health and the improvement of conditions of their life. The Minister mentioned with satisfaction that since the beginning of its activities in Armenia in 1994, the office of the UNICEF has had a serious contribution to the implementation of the projects regarding to children. Edward Nalbandian also positively praised the fact that the priorities presented by the Armenian Government served as a basis for the projects implemented by the UNICEF for 2010-2015.

Expressing gratitude for the warm reception, Henriette Ahrens said that Armenia has always paid a relevant attention to the UNICEF and the processes being held in the frames of it, and in its work the UNICEF office has always enjoyed the support of the Armenian Government.

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