The establishment of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in The Hague would seriously contribute to the development of the Armenian-Dutch relations

21 November, 2011

The visit of the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Netherlands

On November 21, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Uri Rosenthal in The Hague.

Welcoming Edward Nalbandian, Uri Rosenthal congratulated on the occasion of the establishment of the Armenian Embassy to the Netherlands. Uri Rosenthal also expressed confidence that it would bring its serious contribution to the development of bilateral relations.

Edward Nalbandian said that the establishment of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in The Hague is addressed to the further development, deepening and strengthening of bilateral relations. The Minister stressed the importance of undertaking joint steps towards the intensification of political dialogue between the two countries, the expansion of legal framework and the promotion of economic interaction.

Minister Nalbandian underlined that Armenia highly assesses the support provided by the Netherlands to the development of our country on bilateral format, as well as in the frames of the international organizations through the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Noting that currently 46 companies function in Armenia with Dutch capital, Edward Nalbandian expressed hope that through joint efforts it would be possible at least to double their number.

The sides touched upon the reforms underway in Armenia. In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands commended the steps of the Armenian authorities in that direction.

The Ministers exchanged views on the relations between Armenia and the European Union, on the cooperation within the Eastern Partnership format.

A number of regional and international issues of mutual interest were discussed.

On the same day, Edward Nalbandian attended the official opening ceremony of the Embassy of Armenia in The Hague.

In his address the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia noted: “The Armenian-Dutch interactions date to the depths of centuries, since the 4th century by the spreading of Christianity in the Netherlands by Saint Servantius, by the import of tulips to the Netherlands by Armenian merchants, by the founding of an Armenian publishing house in Amsterdam 360 years ago, by the publication of the first Bible in Armenian here and by the establishment of the Armenian community in this country.

This happened in the past, while today an Embassy of independent Armenia is opened in the Netherlands and the Armenian flag is raised. This day embodies a new beginning in our centuries-old history.”

Minister Nalbandian expressed confidence that the Embassy will have an important role in the deepening of comprehensive relations with the friendly Netherlands. Speaking about the Armenian-Dutch community, Minister Nalbandian gave importance to its role as a peculiar bridge in the development of relations between the two peoples.

In the second half of the day, in the Armenian Embassy Edward Nalbandian met with the representatives of the Armenian community organizations in the Netherlands. Minister Nalbandian presented them the priorities and main directions of Armenia’s foreign policy and answered their questions.

In The Hague Edward Nalbandian also gave an interview to the famous Dutch daily “De Volkskrant”. Answering the question of the journalist on international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Minister noted: “The Armenian leadership has several times underlined that the fact of the Armenian Genocide or the importance of its international recognition and condemnation have never been and can not be put under question. It is not only important for a tribute to the memory of its victims, but also as prevention of new crimes against humanity. Last statement of Turkish Foreign Minister about a creation of a commission of historians is an attempt to put under question the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Netherlands, by France, by many other countries and international organisations. That is nothing, but a continuation of the policy of dangerous denial about which the President Sarkozy had made a very clear statement during his visit to Armenia.

Regarding the claims of the Foreign Minister of Turkey as if there has not been an answer till now to the letter addressed to the President of Armenia by the Prime Minister of Turkey in 2005, I must note that the reply letter of the then President Robert Kocharyan was sent and published on April 25, 2005. The international community and in Turkey many are well aware of the contents of that letter, may be with the exception of some, as one may conclude from the statement of Ahmet Davutoglu.”

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