The Ambassador of Senegal presented the copies of his credentials to the RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

21 November, 2011

On November 21, the RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sergey Manassarian received the newly appointed Ambassador of Senegal to Armenia Mamadou Salious Diouf (residence in Moscow) on the occasion of handing the copies of his credentials.

During the talks followed by the official ceremony, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Manassarian congratulated the Ambassador on the occasion of the appointment and expressed hope that the established friendly relations between Armenia and Senegal would develop and deepen.

Ambassador Diouf assured that he would do his utmost to contribute to the development of bilateral relations.

The sides discussed a wide range of regional and international issues. In particular, the importance of the cooperation in the international organizations such the UN, UNESCO and International Organization of Francophone was underlined.

Upon the request of the guest, Sergey Manassarian presented the recent development in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

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