The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the French Ambassador to Armenia met with the French-speaking students of Yerevan Universities

23 March, 2012

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian on March 23 visited the French Embassy to Armenia on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the relations between Armenia and France, where took place the meeting of the Armenian Foreign Minister and the French Ambassador to Armenia with the French-speaking students of the Armenian Universities.

Congratulating the attendees on the occasion of the anniversary, Edward Nalbandian noted, “The Armenian-French relations are based on the centuries-old traditions of the friendship existing between the Armenian and French peoples, and in the recent twenty years we, by our joint efforts, succeeded to post a new dynamics to the relations - a high-level political dialogue was established, the numerous reciprocal visits of Presidents took place, a solid legal framework was developed by signing around 30 agreements, the close ties were established between the Parliaments, the expanded decentralized cooperation is underway and partnership agreements were signed between around thirty regions and cities, the economic volume is growing – 155 French companies are functioning in Armenia, and the French investments are the second in Armenia’s economy. Regarding to education, the French educational institutions have their unique place in the educational system of Armenia, the bright and successful example of which is the French University in Armenia. The cultural ties were given unprecedented impetus in 2006-2007 by holding Armenia’s year in France in the frames of which more than 1000 event were organized in around 100 French cities.

The high-level of the relations of 20 years was marked by the reciprocal visits of Presidents Sargsyan and Sarkozy. In this regard, I would like to single out Charles Aznavour's concert in Olympia Hall held in the presence of the Presidents of the two countries in the frames of the visit of the RA President to France and dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s independence and establishment of the Armenian-French relations.”
On his part, the French Ambassador to Armenia underlined that the Armenian-French warm relations are as sensitive as reasonable, and Armenia is one of the fewer countries which has its special and unique place in the French society.

During the meeting Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and French Ambassador to Armenia Henry Reno answered numerous questions of the students on the Armenian-French relations.

Responding to one of the question, Minister Nalbandian said, “France is the country which as a OSCE Co-Chair had and is still having an important role in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. France is the country which gave a shelter and became a second fatherland for a dozen of our compatriots who survived the Medz Yeghern (Great Calamity). France was the first country wich recognized the Armenian Genocide by law. France is the country whose people believe in the punishment of the denial of crimes against humanity. And I would like to present our deep gratitude for all that.”

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