A reception on the occasion of Armenia’s membership to the UN at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

23 March, 2012

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s membership to the Organization of United Nation today a reception was hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The RA Minister of Transport and Communications Manuk Vardanyan, the Ambassadors accredited in Armenia, MPs and the representatives of the international organizations and UN Office in Armenia attended the ceremony.

In his speech Minister Nalbandian said, “In every state’s and nation’s life there are events and dates, which are distinguished by their meaning and importance.

I think one of such significant dates in the contemporary history of our country is March the 2nd, 1992. On that very day, Armenia became a member of the United Nations Organization.

It presented implicit international recognition to the willingness of the Armenian people to create an independent statehood, which had already been endorsed during the National Referendum of September 21st, 1991 and our nation’s will and determination to join the family of nations.

By the membership to the UN, the birth certificate of the Armenian state received an international validation.

It is not coincidental that the first Armenian Diplomatic Permanent Representation was opened in the United Nations Organization.

It is significant, and meaningful that our government adopted a decree proclaiming March the 2nd as the Diplomat’s day in Armenia, and this decree has come into force today.”

The UN’s representatives to Armenia Dafina Gercheva delivered a welcoming speech.

At the reception a stamp redemption ceremony was held devoted to the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s membership to the UN, as well.

During the reception "Little Singers of Armenia" choir conducted by Tigran Heqeqyan made a performance.

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