The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in the CSTO and CIS Ministerial meetings held in Kazakhstan

06 April, 2012

On April 6 in Astana Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated in the session of the Ministerial Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

The issues to be discussed during the jubilee meeting of the Collective Security Council dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the CSTO and 20th anniversary of the signing of the Collective Security Treaty were on the agenda of the Ministers’ meeting.

The CSTO Foreign Ministers had a thorough talk on the issues related to the coordination of the positions over international and regional policy.  The attendees of the Council meeting touched upon the efforts being undertaken towards the establishment of stability in Afghanistan.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs exchanged views on the developments unrolling in Syria, on Iran’s nuclear program and on the situation in Pakistan.

The CSTO Secretary General presented the Foreign Ministers of the Organization’s member-countries the issues of the coordination of foreign policy, as well as the cooperation between the permanent representatives of the CSTO’s member-countries.

On the same day the meeting of the Foreign Ministers’ Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was held in Astana, the agenda of which included around two dozen documents relating to the interaction in the frames of the Organization- the documents on humanitarian, security, economy, cartography, crisis management and other spheres.

During the CIS Ministerial meeting the agenda issues of the Heads of the Organization member-countries were discussed. The Ministers approved the draft of five documents to be presented to the Heads of the States and the draft of ten documents to be presented to the Heads of the Governments.

In the course of the Ministerial meeting views were exchanged on the content and timetable of the sectoral consultations between the MFAs of the member-states of the CIS.

The participants of the meeting touched upon the activities of “Mir” Interstate Television and Radio Company, as well as the programs aimed at its development. During the meeting it was decided to hold the next meeting of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers in November in Ashkhabad.

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