The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs received the head of the CIS Observation Mission

03 May, 2012

On May 3 the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian received the Head of the CIS observation mission at the 2012 RA parliamentary elections, First Deputy Head of the CIS Executive Committee Vladimir Garkun.

Highly assessing the conditions provided by the RA authorities for the implementation of observation mission in Armenia, the head of the CIS Observation Mission underlined that by their assessment there are all the necessary conditions in the country to carry out equal election campaigns and free elections.

Vladimir Garkun informed Edward Nalbandian that the CIS observers would carry out their mission in all Armenian regions (marzes), as well as presented the procedure of the CIS observation mission and the standards and principles of reaching conclusion on elections.

During the meeting the interlocutors touched upon a number of issues related to electoral processes.

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