Edward Nalbandian had bilateral meetings in Sharm El-Sheikh

10 May, 2012

In the frames of the 17th conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the member-countries of the Non-Aligned Movement held on 9 -10 May in Sharm El Sheikh, the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian had 14 meetings with his counterparts from different countries.

During a meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr, the sides touched upon the steps to be undertaken towards the further strengthening of the Armenian-Egyptian interaction. During the talk, the sides exchanged views on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. In this regard, the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that his country supports the settlement of the issue based on the principles of international law, exclusively through peaceful means.

In Sharm El Sheikh Edward Nalbandian met with Adnan Mansour, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrant of Lebanon. The agenda of the meeting of the Ministers included the implementation of the agreements reached during the visit of the Lebanese President to Yerevan at the end of the year, the development unrolling in the Syria, as well as the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. The interlocutors touched upon the issues related to the cooperation in the international organizations, as well.

The meeting with Riyad al-Maliki, the Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs was on the agenda of Edward Nalbandian, as well. During the meeting the sides exchanged views on the ways to develop the Armenian-Palestinian relations. Minister al-Maliki reaffirmed his intention to visit Armenia.

In the frames of the conference, Minister Nalbandian met with Ali Akbar Salehi , the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The interlocutors had a talk on regional and international agenda related issues.

During the meeting with Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo, the Minister of External Relations of Cameroon, an understanding was reached to accredit Ambassadors simultaneously to each other’s capitals and to explore the ways of the development of bilateral relations, to create legal framework and to expand cooperation in the international organizations, in particular within the UN and International Organization of the Francophonie.

In the course of the meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Marty M. Natalegawa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia issues related to hold consultations between the MFA-s of the two countries and creating legal framework for boosting economic cooperation were discussed. Minister Nalbandian presented his Indonesian counterpart the recent developments in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. In this regard, Marty Natalegawa underlined that Indonesia has always supported the peaceful settlement of all disputes and considers that the solution of existing issue should be based on the provisions of international law.

The meeting of the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Murray McCully, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand was devoted to the issues on the cooperation within the international organizations. For boosting bilateral relations, Minister McCully invited his Armenian counterpart to visit Wellington.

Edward Nalbandian’s next meeting was with his Iraqi counterpart Hoshiar Mohamad Zebari. During the talk the Ministers touched upon the issues on the intensification of political dialogue between the two countries and the promotion of economic interaction. Expressing satisfaction with the activities of the Armenian Embassy to Baghdad towards the expansion of bilateral relations, Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed the Iraqi Government’s decision to open an Embassy in Yerevan.

The main topic of the talk between Edward Nalbandian and Wunna Maung Lwin, Myanmar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs was the establishment of the relations between the two countries. The Ministers agreed upon the launching of a process to establish diplomatic relations. Myanmar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs told that the presence of the Armenians in his country has a centuries-old history and it serves as a good basis to develop relations between the two countries.

Upon the request of Edward Nalbandian, Myanmar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs informed about the developments unrolling in his country and the implementation of reforms.

Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with Rafik Ben Abdessalem, the Tunisian Foreign Minister, as well. The interlocutors exchanged views on the intensification of political dialogue, holding of consultations between the MFAs of the two countries, creation of legal framework, and cooperation in the sphere of tourism and visa regime facilitation.

During the meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Abu Bakr Al Qirbi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yemen, the developments in the Middle East were discussed. Yemen’s Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the implementation of the reforms in his county.

In Sharm El Sheikh the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs met with Joanna Hewitt, the Australian Prime Minister's Special Envoy. The interlocutors touched upon the ways to develop the Armenian-Australian relations and the cooperation within the international organizations.

During the meeting of Edward Nalbandian and Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba the importance of undertaking efficient steps towards the promotion of the cooperation between the two countries was mutually stressed. The sides exchanged views on regional issues, as well.

In the course of the meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Given Lubinda, Zambia's Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister, issues of boosting bilateral relations, as well as the developments unrolling in the African continent were touched upon.

From Sharm El Sheikh, in the evening of May 10 Edward Nalbandian left for Cairo where he had a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian community in Egypt. During the meeting the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the recent developments in Armenia’s foreign policy, reforms implemented in the homeland and the results of recent parliamentary elections held during the previous week.

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