The Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France

24 July, 2012

On June 24 in Paris the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian had
a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Laurent Fabius.

Hélène Conway-Mouret, the Minister Delegate for French Nationals Abroad was also present at the meeting.

Welcoming the Foreign Minister of Armenia, the head of French Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, that this meeting is a good opportunity to sum up the achievements in bilateral relations and give a new impetus to the Armenian-French cooperation.

Expressing his gratitude for the warm reception, Edward Nalbandian mentioned that France and Armenia have special relations, which are rooted in traditional friendship. He added that during the twenty years diplomatic relations the relations have been on the rise, there have been dozens of mutual visits between the two states, including the mutual state visits of the Presidents of Armenia and France.

“Today there is a high level political dialogue between the two states, a wide legal framework, inter-parliamentary, decentralized intensive ties, the investments of French companies in the Armenian economy are the second by their amount, 160 companies with French capital are operating in the spheres of communication, agroindustry etc. There is an active cooperation in the spheres of culture and science,” underlined Edward Nalbandian.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France touched upon the upcoming steps in the dimension of further development of bilateral relations in different areas.

The parties discussed international and regional issues of mutual interest. In this context the ministers expressed their consent that the positions of Armenia and France on a number of international issues coincide.

Edward Nalbandyan and Laurent Fabius exchanged views on the Armenian-French cooperation in international organzations.

The Ministers discussed Armenia–European Union relations and the projects implemented in this framework. Edward Nalbandian presented the progress achieved in the negotiations on the Association agreement, visa facilitation, the process of negotiations over the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.

The sides also touched upon the cooperation in the framework of the International Organisation of Francophonie.

The Nagorno-Karabakh issue was also included in the agenda of the negotiations. Commendeing the constructive involvement of France as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair, Edward Nalbandian reaffirmed the willingness of Armenia to continue the negotiations, reach a peaceful solution to the conflict on the basis of the statements and proposals issued by the leaders of the Co-chair countries in L’Aquila, Muskoka, Deauville and Los Cabos.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France exchanged thoughts on a number of issues of international agenda, touched upon the nuclear program of Iran, the developments in the Middle East.

Edward Nalbandian invited Laurent Fabius to visit Armenia.

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