The meeting of the Foreign Minister at the YSU International Relations Faculty on the occasion of starting a new academic year

04 September, 2012

 On September 4, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian visited the Yerevan State University; where in accordance with the established tradition gave the first lecture at the YSU International Relations Faculty. The staff of the University and Faculty, as well as the teaching staff attended the lecture.

Congratulating the first year students for the admission to one of the most prestigious faculties of YSU, the Foreign Minister said, “It is a fact that most Armenian diplomats have graduated from the Faculty of International relations. It is pleasant to note that a part of the students chose the profession of a diplomat, enter the Diplomatic school and replenish the lines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” In his speech Minister Nalbandian presented Armenian approaches to a number of regional and international issues.

Touching upon the release of Azerbaijani murderer as a result of Hungarian-Azerbaijani deal, Foreign Minister Nalbandian said: “Immediately after the crime of 2004, during the trial process, after the sentence, during these years Azerbaijan was making intensive efforts to transfer the criminal. The leadership of Hungary was strongly rejecting all these attempts. What happened that the current Government of Hungary suddenly believed in the lies of Azerbaijan?”

After the crime of Safarov, Azerbaijan has consistently praised this horrible crime, glorified the murderer. Now how can Hungary pretend that it had believed in those deceitful promises of Azerbaijan and went to such a suspicious step?

The Azerbaijani leadership is trying to shift the corruption, deeply rooted in their country, onto an international level.

Being aware of the attempts of Azerbaijan, Armenia continuously drew the attention of Hungarian leadership on all the levels of President, Parliament Speaker, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, ambassadors, about the inadmissibility of transferring the murderer and has got unequivocal assurances that such a step is excluded.

This shameful step of Azerbaijan has caused a shock among the international community, but the latest responses from Azerbaijan cause no less shock. In fact, Azerbaijan expresses its cynical contempt towards the international community. The tolerance towards such phenomenon shapes the likes of Saddam Husseins,” underscored the Minister.

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