The President of Cyprus received the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs In Nicosia the 21st Anniversary of Armenia’s Independence was celebrated

13 September, 2012

On September 13 Foreign Minister started his official visit to the Republic of Cyprus which is presiding in the European Union.

In Nicosia, shortly after the arrival, Demetris Christofias, the President of the Republic of Cyprus received Edward Nalbandian.

Welcoming the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Head of Cyprus said that so far he keeps fresh memories over the visit paid to friendly Armenia where he was hosted warmly. President Christofias added that he was pleased to have an opportunity to host the President of the Republic of Armenia who paid a state visit to Cyprus in 2011, and then a number of working visits.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Minister Nalbandian conveyed to the Cypriot President the greetings and wishes of President Serzh Sargsyan and noted that President Sargsyan remembers with special warmth his visit to Cyprus in 2011.

The Cypriot President and Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs mentioned with satisfaction that the recent years were marked by the intensification of the contacts between Armenia and Cyprus and by the joint efforts the bilateral relations were raised to a qualitatively new level. The sides stressed the existence of mutual commitment to further strengthen and deepen those relations. The interlocutors shared the opinion that the Armenian-Cypriot relations could be exemplary with the highest level of their mutual understanding and trust.

President Christofias presented in detail the current stage of the settlement of the Cyprus issue. Edward Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia highly assesses the constructive position and initiatives of the Republic of Cyprus over the solution of the Cyprus issue. Minister Nalbandian also expressed regret that the Turkish side does not properly respond to those initiatives. In this context Minister Nalbandian stressed the importance of the joint declaration adopted in the frames of the state visit of the Armenian President to Cyprus in 2011, where the sides agreed to provide mutual support to the each other’s approaches over the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and Cyprus issue.

President Christofias informed about the steps undertaken towards the liquidation of the results of Euro zone crisis, as well.

In the context of the Cypriot Presidency in the EU, the cooperation between Armenia and the European Union, the negotiations over the Association agreement, the visa regime facilitation and the negotiations over the creation of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area were touched upon.

The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the Cyprus President the situation created as a result of the Azeri-Hungarian deal over the release of the Azeri murderer Ramil Safarov, in this regard, highly praising the international community's unanimous and unequivocal assessment.

Cypriot President Christofias asked Minister Nalbandian to convey his greetings, including his congratulations on the occasion of the 21st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia to the President and people of Armenia.

On the same day, in the evening, Edward Nalbandian participated in the reception provided in the Nicosia Hilton Park Hotel on the occasion of the 21st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia and 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Cyprus. Demetris Christofias, the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Head of Parliament Yiannakis Homer, Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou−Marcoullis, members of Cypriote Government and Parliament, ambassadors accredited in Nicosia and representatives of Armenian in Cyprus were present during the event.

Welcoming the guests attending the reception on the occasion of Armenia’s National Day, Minister Nalbandian said, ‘Along with the 21st Anniversary of the Independence, I am particularly happy to underline that we also celebrate the 20th anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Armenia and Cyprus.

The Armenian-Cypriot interstate relations are inherent with special content and quality due to the close historical ties and strong friendship between our countries. This year we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, as well.

Currently we have more than 20 signed agreements in the fields of culture, education, health, investments, agriculture, tourism, air communication and defence, which create a solid basis for implementing projects in various areas.

There is a fruitful cooperation between the two Parliaments, thanks to the joint activities of the Armenian-Cypriot parliamentary commission. What has been done in those past twenty years is our common achievement.

The restoration of the Armenian Statehood is a particular occasion; it’s the realization of centuries' long dream. Our people faced all the challenges, as an established state. It is a worthy earning of our people.

I would like to thank all attendees for accompanying us at this solemn occasion dedicated to the 21st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia and 20th anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Armenia and Cyprus’.

At the reception Demetris Christofias, the President of the Republic of Cyprus welcomed the attendees and delivered a congratulation speech.

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