The trip of Edward Nalbandian to New York started

26 September, 2012

The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs met with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs


On September 26 started the Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian's working visit in New York.

On the same day, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Robert Bradtke, Igor Popov, Jacques Faure and Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk, the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office.

The meeting’s agenda included the issues on the damage to the negotiations caused by Azerbaijan and overcoming of the created situation and continuation of the peaceful settlement of the negotiations through negotiations.

The Co-Chairs stressed the principled position of their countries to settle the issue exclusively through peaceful means.

Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with Philip Gordon, the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. The sides discussed issues related to the further development of the Armenian-American partnership. Minister Nalbandian and Philip Gordon, the U.S. deputy assistant State Secretary had a thorough talk on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, and the situation created as a result of the Hungarian-Azeri disgraceful deal over the release of Azeri murderer Ramil Safarov.

In this regard, the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed the importance of the addressed reaction of the international community unanimously condemning that deal.

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