The legal framework between Armenia and the International Organization of the Francophonie was updated

12 October, 2012

In the frames of the 14th Summit of the International Organization of the
Francophonie (OIF), held in Kinshasa, on October 12 two agreements
were signed between the Republic of Armenia and the OIF.

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and Abdou Diouf, Secretary-General of
the OIF signed an Agreement between Armenia and the OIF on the cooperation
in the sphere of French language. Additionally, the Armenian Minister of
Foreign Affairs and General Administrator of the International
Organization of the Francophonie Clement Duhaime signed an Agreement on
the cooperation in the preparation of civil servants and diplomats in the
French language.

The signed documents, by the support of the IOF and its structures, will
contribute to the expansion of French language teaching at Armenian
universities, opening of Francophonie divisions in Armenian libraries,
intensifying of cultural exchanges with other Francophonie countries,
promoting of French language programs in the Armenian media, as well as
promoting preparation of information and tourism materials on Armenia.

After the signing ceremony, in his speech, Abdou Diouf, Secretary-General
of the OIF, spoke about Armenia’s engagement in Francophonie world and
Armenia’s unique role in spreading and preserving of French language.

In his speech, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said, “At this moment,
when the agenda of tomorrow’s session of the Francophonie member-states
includes the change of Armenia’s status in the Organization, we are
signing tow important documents which will allow strengthening of the
interaction between Armenia and OIF.

Thanks to the signed documents, we have already close cooperation and we can
register with satisfaction that in the recent years a huge progress has
been achieved in using French language in the spheres of education,
culture, communication and tourism in Armenia. It is the result of common

In his speech OIF’s Secretary-General Abdou Diouf noted that despite
Armenia’s associated membership to the Francophone family since 2008,
today Armenia is one of the active members of the Organization and one of
the succeeded members among the Francophonie states.

During the ceremony, the Executive Director of the Association of
Universities of the Francophonie Bernard Cerquiglini, General
Administrator of the International Organization of the Francophonie
Clement Duhaime and French senator Jacques Legendre, who is the Secretary
General of the Francophone Parliamentary Association, delivered
speeches where they underlined the progress made by Armenia in the sphere
of the Francophonie. 

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