The consultation of Armenian Ambassadors accredited to European countries

09 December, 2012

On December 9th in Paris Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian held a consultation with Armenian ambassadors and permanent representatives accredited to the European countries and international organizations.

The participants held a moment of silence to remember Karine Kazinian, the late Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Talking about Karine Kazinian, Minister Nalbandian mentioned that her death was a serious blow to the Armenian diplomatic service, one of the devotees of which was Karine Kazinian. “Karine Kazinian had a great contribution to the development of Armenia’s relations with both the European countries and the European Union. She enjoyed our deep respect and great sympathy,” said the Minister Nalbandian.

In the course of the consultation the participants touched upon the implementation of the Armenian President’s assignments presented last year during the meeting with the MFA central staff and heads of diplomatic missions and the results recorded in the spheres which were a topic of discussion during the previous Ambassadorial meeting.

The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the ambassadors the recent developments in our country’s foreign policy and touched upon the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the OSCE Ministerial meeting in Dublin, the issues to be discussed during the upcoming Armenian-EU Council to be held in a week and the works carried out towards the holding of upcoming presidential elections in Armenia in line with democratic standards.

Edward Nalbandian provided assignments on more intensification of engagement in the international organizations and deepening of cooperation with them, further development of bilateral relations with the European countries and the works to be implemented on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
During the meeting, the participants particularly stressed the economic element of embassies’ activities, development of inter-parliamentary ties, expansion of decentralized cooperation and works in the PR dimensions.

An important part of the agenda of the consultation was related to the raising of effectiveness of the level of consular services and protection of Armenian citizens’ rights in abroad.

The heads of Armenian diplomatic missions presented the processes unrolling in their accredited countries and international organizations and the steps undertaken towards the development of the relations with Armenia.

The high-ranking diplomats had a thorough talk on a number of regional and global issues.


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