Edward Nalbandian participated in the Eastern Partnership Informal Ministerial Meeting

12 February, 2013

On February 12 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated in the Eastern Partnership Informal Ministerial Meeting in Tbilisi. The meeting attended by Štefan Füle, EU Commissioner for enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy and Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service Helga Schmid, including the delegations of the EaP participating states.

During the meeting the results recorded in the frames of the EaP were discussed. The participants outlined the perspectives for the Partnership and had a thorough talk on the implementation of the EaP Roadmap and exchanged views on the steps to be taken on the way to the Vilnius Summit.

Addressing a speech at the meeting, Edward Nalbandian presented the progress achieved by Armenia in the implementation of the Eastern Partnership and underlined that Armenia looks forward to conclude the negotiations over the Association Agreement and a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area before Vilnius Summit in autumn.

Minster Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia is also actively engaged in the multilateral dimension of the Eastern Partnership and plans to host several events this year in Yerevan in the areas of justice, youth and educational exchanges. The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed the importance of signing of the Visa Facilitation Agreement between Armenia and the EU and launching a dialogue on visa liberalization.

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian re-confirmed the proposal to host the third meeting of informal ministerial dialogue in September in Yerevan.

At the end of the meeting, a joint press conference of the participants took place.

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