The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs received Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom

11 March, 2013

On March 11, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian hosted Simon Fraser, Permanent Permanent Under-Secretary of State of the United Kingdom. Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian mentioned about the solid background of cooperation established between the two countries in the twenty years history of diplomatic relations. Mr. Simon Fraser added that there is a mutual interest to further deepen and expand an existing cooperation.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Secretary Fraser underlined that the interest of the United Kingdom to bring the interaction with Armenia closer in various spheres is gradually increasing and his visit is another step in that direction.

Minister Nalbandian highly assessed the support provided by the United Kingdom to the implementation of reforms in Armenia. The Minister added as well that recently some intensification in the sphere of trade and economic and political dialogue at the highest level has been noted.

During the meeting the sides discussed the relations between Armenia and the European Union.

The sides touched upon a number of important regional and global issues. Minister Nalbandian presented the guest the recent developments in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. On his part Simon Fraser stressed the position of the United Kingdom, which sees the solution exclusively through peaceful means and expressed support to the efforts undertaken in that direction.

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