The meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Germany

14 March, 2013

On March 14, a meeting took place between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Germany Edward Nalbandian and Guido Westerwelle.

Welcoming the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Guido Westerwelle said that he remembers his last year visit to Armenia with warmth and is looking for an opportunity to visit again. Minister Westerwelle expressed satisfaction with the intensive political dialogue at the highest level established between the two countries and stressed Germany’s interest to further develop the cooperation with Armenia.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation to visit Berlin, Minister Nalbandian mentioned that since the independence the Armenian-German relations have been regularly developing, and recently they acquired a new impulse by further strengthening and expanding. Edward Nalbandian assured that by the joint efforts they would be more deepened. The Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized that Germany is one of the big investors in Armenia and continually supports programs aimed at the development of Armenia. “Armenia together with the German contingent is carrying out a peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan and the cooperation in that format has proven its effectiveness,” said Minister Nalbandian.

The Foreign Ministers mentioned with satisfaction that the interaction between the two countries is developing in bilateral and multilateral formats, and a solid legal framework has been established, the inter-parliamentary contacts are intensive and the business ties are expanded.

The sides touched upon the perspectives of rapprochement of cooperation in cultural and educational spheres and implementation of joint projects, as well.
The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Germany talked about the issues related to the strengthening of security and stability in the Caucasus region, including the negotiations over the Iran nuclear program.

Upon the request of the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Nalbandian presented the recent developments in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, and the efforts undertaken by Armenia and the international community in that direction.
The Ministers touched upon the relations between Armenia and the European Union and the cooperation within the framework of the Eastern Partnership.

The Ministers agreed to continue regular meetings in the frames of both reciprocal visits and multilateral conferences.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian met with Wolfgang Börnsen, Chairman of the Germany-South Caucasus Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag.

During the meeting the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs mentioned that parliamentary diplomacy is one of the important formats of the development of relations between the countries and welcomed the efforts of Bundestag deputies towards the further development of the Armenian-German relations. In this context the effectiveness of the visit of Norbert Lammert, President of the Bundestag to Armenia was mutually stressed.

Concluding his visit to Germany, Edward Nalbandian left for Athens.

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