Foreign Minister of Armenia visited Artsakh

02 May, 2013

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian who arrived in Stepanakert on May 2nd, met Bako Sahakyan, the President of Artsakh.

President Sahakyan and Minister Nalbandian discussed in detail the negotiations of the Nagorno-Kharabakh peace process. The sides touched upon the efforts made by Armenia and international community in that direction.

Both sides attached importance to the more active and coordinated work between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Artsakh.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian was hosted by the Parliament of Artsakh, where he met Ashot Ghulyan, the President of the Parliament. The sides attached importance to the cooperation of the parliaments of Armenia and Artsakh, as well as touched upon the process of establishing relations among the parliaments of Artsakh and other countries.

Edward Nalbandian visited the Foreign Ministry of the NKR, where he met Karen Mirzoyan, the Foreign Minister of Artsakh. During the meeting they touched upon the issues of closer cooperation, the holding of regular consultations and the training of diplomatic personnel.

Then, Edward Nalbandian met the senior officials of the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh, to whom he presented the upcoming plans of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia.

In Stepanakert Edward Nalbandian participated in the opening ceremony of the school named after Aleksandr Griboyedov, which was renovated by the means of the Armenian benefactor Sergey Sarkisov.

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