The newly appointed Ambassador of Russia presented the copy of his credentials to the Foreign Minister of Armenia.

23 May, 2013

On May 23 Edward Nalbandian met Ivan Volinkin, the newly appointed Ambassador of Russia on the occasion of presenting the copy of his credentials.

Congratulating the Ambassador on his appointment and wishing success in his mission Minister Nalbandian said “Our nations are united by centuries-old friendship and trust, and today we are building the future exactly on this basis, consistently strengthening partnership relations, which are becoming more advanced every year, including new long-term trends of cooperation. The development of the relations is assured because of consistent efforts, which are carried out both in Armenia and Russia at all levels, according to the instructions of the Presidents of the two countries and agreements between them. "

Expressing gratitude for the reception and wishes Ambassador Volinkin assured that he will do his best to further strengthen and deepen the present high level of Armenian-Russian cooperation in all areas.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia attached importance to the role of the Ambassadors of Armenia and Russia in the implementing of agreements between the two countries regarding the development of cooperation.

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