Meetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Washington D.C.

04 June, 2013

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan who was in Washington D.C. on 4th June, visited the US Congress, where he had a meeting with several members of Congress Caucus on Armenian Affairs, headed by Frank Pallone and Mike Grimm.

Foreign Minister of Armenia expressed his gratitude to the Congressmen for their activities and stressed the importance of the role of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Affairs in enhancing US-Armenian bilateral relations.

The Congressmen presented the agenda and future programs of the Caucus and assured the Minister that they will continue their work for the benefit of the relations between Republic of Armenia and the United States of America.

Upon the request of the Congressmen, Edward Nalbandyan made an overview of the efforts of Armenia and the international community towards the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and presented Armenian positions concerning regional problems.

During the meeting with the Daniel Yohannes, CEO of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Minister Nalbandyan discussed the possibility of the resumption of MCC activities in Armenia.

The agenda of the visit of Edward Nalbandyan also included a speech on foreign policy of Armenia in CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) which is one of the leading think tanks of Washington D.C.

During the speech of the Minister high ranking officials of the State Department, US Ambassadors, political scientists, analysts and Washington D.C. resident Ambassadors where present.

Edward Nalbandyan spoke about the US-Armenian relations, presented the goals and results of his visit and pointed priorities of Armenian presidency in the Council of Europe as well as Armenian approaches on several regional issues.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia also had meetings with the representatives of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and the Armenian Assembly of America.

Completing his visit to USA Edward Nalbandyan departed for Vienna where he will deliver a speech at the meeting of the Permanent Council of the OSCE as President of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

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