Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia visited the Kingdom of Spain

17 June, 2013

On June 17 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan visited the Kingdom of Spain.

The first meeting of Edward Nalbandyan in Madrid was with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo.

Expressing gratitude to his colleague for the invitation, Minister Nalbandyan stated that Armenian-Spanish relations have centuries-long history based on mutual expressions of friendship, which is a good basis for the development and enhancing of bilateral relations.

Welcoming the Foreign Minister of Armenia, the Head of the Foreign Ministry of Spain reassured his willingness to make practical steps to strengthen and deepen the cooperation with Armenia in different spheres.

Minister Nalbandyan and Minister Garcia-Margallo had a meaningful conversation on the expanding of cooperation in different aspects of bilateral relations as cooperation in the framework of international organizations, trade and economic partnership and cultural exchanges. They also exchanged views about key problems of the international agenda.

The Ministers reached an arrangement to take measures in the direction of expanding legal framework between the countries. Both sides stressed the importance of establishing a diplomatic representation of Spain in Yerevan.

Upon the request of his Spanish counterpart, Minister Nalbandyan touched upon the efforts of Armenia and the international community in the direction of peaceful resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Minister Garcia-Margallo informed about the steps undertaken by his country to overcome the negative effects of the global economic crisis.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Spain had an exchange of ideas about the ways of settlement of Syria crisis and the efforts of international community on that direction as well as about negotiations on nuclear program of Iran.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain accepted the invitation of Edward Nalbandyan to have a return visit to Yerevan.

Edward Nalbandyan and Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo signed an “Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the Kingdom of Spain about the cooperation in the areas of culture and science”.

The agreement anticipatates publishing books on history and culture of the two countries, exchange of bibliographical materials, collaboration in the areas of music, theater, opera and ballet as well as reciprocal visits of troupes and soloists.

With this document the sides take a commitment to provide access to the state libraries, archives and other cultural, educational and scientific institutions for their respective citizens.

There is a goal to establish collaboration between scientists, universities, scientific and cultural institutions as well as between research centers of the two countries, to support exchange of educational materials and books in the areas of history, geography, culture and socio-economic development.

On the same day Edward Nalbandyan met with the President of Senate Pio Garcia-Esqudero Marquez and with the head of the Commission on Foreign Relations of Senate Alejandro Munoz-Alonso.

During the meeting the sides discussed questions regarding the development of Armenian-Spanish relations and cooperation between the two Parliaments. The topic of collaboration in the framework of parliamentary assemblies of international organizations between the delegations of two countries was also touched upon.

Minister Nalbandyan also visited the headquarters of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Madrid and met the Secretary-General of the organization Taleb Rifai.

Welcoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Taleb Rifai pointed that he has warm memories from his two visits to Armenia last year and from the meaningful conversations with the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

During the meeting the Secretary-General of the UNWTO stressed that declaring tourism as one of the priorities was a right decision by the Government of Armenia and reassured the support of the Organization to the activities undertaken in this sphere.

Minister Nalbandyan also expressed his satisfaction that there is an active cooperation between UNWTO and Armenia and the Armenian side is interested in the further development of it.

On the same day Edward Nalbandyan had a meeting in The Club de Madrid where leading Spanish political analysts and experts were present.

During his speech and Q&A session Foreign Minister of Armenia presented the goals of his visit in details, pointed out the priorities of Armenian chairmanship in the Council of Europe and Armenian approaches on several regional problems as well as Nagorno-Karabakh negotiation process.

Finishing his visit Edward Nalbandyan returned to Yerevan.

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