The newly appointed Ambassador of Iraq presented the copy of his credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia

20 June, 2013

On June 20 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia met the newly appointed Ambassador of Iraq Ghazi Taher Khaled on the occasion of presenting of the copies of his credentials.

Congratulating the Ambassador on his appointment Minister Nalbandian wished him success in his mission and expressed hope that the Ambassador will have his important contribution to the further development of the existing historical and friendly relations between Armenia and Iraq. Edward Nalbandian underlined that during the last two years relations between the two countries have got a new impetus due to high-ranked reciprocal visits and reopening of the Embassies in both capitals.

Expressing gratitude for the reception Ambassador Khaled assured that he will make his best efforts at developing bilateral cooperation in different areas. He added that Iraq gives a great importance to the expanding and deepening of partnership with Armenia.

The Ambassador also stressed the significant role of the Armenian community of Iraq in the development and progress of the country.

During the meeting the sides also discussed the current developments in the Middle East and the measures undertaken in Iraq to maintain security and stability.

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