Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia met with the EU commissioner

10 July, 2013

On July 10 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia met with Štefan Füle, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy who visited Yerevan.

Welcoming the guest Minister Nalbandian stated that during recent years cooperation between Armenia and the European Union has experienced a serious progress. He also expressed his gratitude for the continuous support of the European Union to the process of reforms in Armenia.

The sides also had a detailed discussion concerning questions of the negotiation process in the framework of Eastern Partnership. Commissioner Füle highly appreciated the positive developments in EU-Armenian relations stressing that Armenia is one of the leading countries of Eastern Partnership program and reaffirmed the willingness of EU to continue the support to the reform process undertaken in Armenia. He also expressed hope that the Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement will be initialed during the Eastern Partnership Summit due in Vilnius in November 2013.

During the meeting both sides stressed the importance of the ratification of Visa facilitation and readmission agreements.

In the context of the Armenian Chairmanship in the Council of Europe questions concerning the cooperation between the European Union and the Council of Europe were also considered.

Edward Nalbandian and Štefan Füle will continue discussions during the working dinner in the evening.

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