The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia participated in the EU and Eastern Partnership Foreign Ministerial meeting

22 July, 2013

On July 22 Edward Nalbandian took part in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries in Brussels. The meeting was also attended by Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as by Štefan Füle, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy.

The participants of the meeting discussed the preparatory works of the third summit of the EaP and exchanged views on progress made in the framework of the negotiation process of the Eastern Partnership.

Delivering a speech during the session, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia said that two years after Warsaw summit of the Eastern Partnership there is a serious progress in all dimensions of the cooperation as the Association Agreement, mobility issues, Visa facilitation and Readmission agreement negotiations.

Edward Nalbandian stressed the importance of the cooperation in the framework of the Eastern Partnership for triggering reforms. He emphasized that the recent reports of international organizations state the progress of Armenia in areas like democracy, freedom of speech, protection of human rights, the rule of law and good governance, etc.

Edward Nalbandian stated the parallel to the informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Eastern Partnership which will be held on September 12-13 in Yerevan, a high level meeting dedicated to education will be organized.


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