The visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia to China commenced

25 July, 2013

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia discussed perspectives of the development of bilateral relations in China.

On July 25 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian paid an official visit to Beijing on the invitation of the Foreign Minister of China Wang Yii.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian and Wang Yii had a meeting.

Welcoming Foreign Minister of Armenia Wang Yii emphasized that his country considers Armenia as an important partner in the Caucasus as well as in the entire CIS region. He stated that the Government of China is looking forward for the further expanding of the relations with Armenia.

Expressing gratitude to his Chinese counterpart for the invitation and warm reception Edward Nalbandian stated that Armenia attaches great importance to the development and enhancement of the friendly relations with China which cover more and more areas every year.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and China stressed that the bilateral cooperation has entered a new phase after the visit of the President of Armenia to China in 2010 and the arrangements between the Heads of the countries are being realized.

The sides expressed their satisfaction with the dynamic development of bilateral relations in different areas in recent years and stated that the bilateral collaboration has great perspectives.

Edward Nalbandian and Wang Yii turned to political, inter-parliamentary and decentralized cooperation and steadily developing and intensive interaction in trade, economy, culture, science and stated that there is a reciprocal intention to make more active steps for deepening beneficial partnership including new spheres.

The sides emphasized that inter-parliamentary ties are an important part of bilateral relations. In this context Minister of Foreign Affairs of China informed that former Deputy Foreign Minister of China Fu Ying is appointed as the Chinese Co-Chairperson of the Armenian-Chinese inter-parliamentary group of friendship.

Ministers stressed the importance of reciprocal visits of the parliamentary groups.
As an example of developing decentralized partnership, the Ministers pointed out the establishment and development of ties between the cities of Yerevan and Beijing as well as between Lori marz of Armenia and Shanxi province of China.

In the context of educational cooperation the sides attached great importance to the establishing of a Chinese school in Yerevan as it was agreed upon between the Heads of Armenia and China as well as increase of the numbers of exchange students in the universities of both countries. The example of functioning of the branch of Confucius Institute in Yerevan was outlined.

Edward Nalbandian expressed his gratitude for the consistent assistance of China for the development of Armenia.

Ministers Nalbandian and Yii touched upon the improvement of cooperation in the framework of international organizations and activation of consultations between Foreign Ministries of Armenia and China. In this context the importance of signing a memorandum on consultations was stressed.

Turning to the topic of expanding the legal framework Ministers decided to make an inventory of all bilateral documents signed in the recent twenty years and to design new agreements.

In this context Minister Nalbandian stated that currently 12 new documents are being prepared.

The head of the Armenian Foreign Ministry reaffirmed the position of Armenia on “One China” policy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of China highly appreciated the principled position of Armenia in this issue.

Upon the request of Edward Nalbandian Wang Yii presented the current developments in the Asian region and integration processes and Chinese approaches about them.

Edward Nalbandian presented to his Chinese colleague the efforts of Armenia and the international community in finding peaceful resolution for Nagorno-Karabakh issue. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China expressed support of his country to the peaceful resolution of the issue by negotiations. Edward Nalbandian highly valued the balanced position of China on this issue.

The Ministers had a comprehensive discussion on current problems of international relations.

During the negotiations the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and China had a detailed discussion on triggering economical cooperation and implementation of reached arrangements, turned to the work of Armenian-Chinese intergovernmental commission and encouraging of Chinese investments in Armenia.

In the meeting the Ministers had a comprehensive talk on cooperation in spheres of science, education and culture. Both sides underlined the importance of increasing the number of Armenian and Chinese students in the universities of both countries.
Edward Nalbandian invited his Chinese colleague to visit Armenia.

After the meeting Foreign Ministers of Armenia and China signed the Protocol about holding consultations between Foreign Ministries of two countries.

For establishing ties and triggering cooperation between Armenian and Chinese institutions of training diplomats the Director of Diplomatic School at the MFA of Armenia Vahe Gabrielyan and President of China Foreign Affairs University Zhao Jinjun signed an agreement on the cooperation between the two institutions.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian met with member of the State Council of China Yang Jiechi.

Welcoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Yang Jiechi said he has warm memories from his visit to Yerevan in 2011, meetings in Armenia and that he is happy that the arrangements which were made then are currently being realized.

During the meeting perspectives of development of bilateral relations were discussed. Edward Nalbandian and Yang Jiechi exchanged views on wide range of questions concerning political, economic and cultural ties.

The sides expressed satisfaction for the established friendly cooperation between the two countries.

The member of the State Council of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia emphasized the wish of the both sides to deepen inter-institutional and decentralized cooperation.

The sides also talked about the necessary measures to stimulate Chinese investments in Armenia, exchanged views concerning a number of developments of international and regional issues.

On July 25 evening Minister of Foreign Affairs of China gave an official dinner in honor of his Armenian counterpart.

On July 26 delivered a comprehensive speech on foreign policy of Armenia in Chinese Institute of International Studies (CIIS) where Ambassadors accredited to Beijing and diplomats, political scientists, representatives of business circles and journalists were present.

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