Minister Edward Nalbandian continues meetings in New York

27 September, 2013

On September 27 Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian who is in New York to participate in 68th session of the General Assembly of the UN, continued meetings with colleagues from different countries.

During the meeting with Fernando Fabrega, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama, Edward Nalbandian discussed possibilities of the development of bilateral relations. Both sides emphasized that accreditation of Ambassadors in both capitals on concurrent basis will contribute to the establishment of cooperation.

Turning to the adoption of the resolution by the Parliament of Panama concerning Nagorono-Karabakh issue Minister Fabrega stressed that according to the Constitution of his country foreign policy is under the competence of the President and the position of the Government of Panama is to be neutral having a goal to contribute to the peaceful resolution of the issue based on negotiations.

During the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia Miroslav Lajcak, the preparatory works of Vilnius summit were discussed. Turning to the decision of Armenia to join the customs union Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia stated that there is great potential for the cooperation between Armenia and the EU and the sides should develop relations based on that potential.

During the meeting with Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the sides had an exchange of views concerning further development of cooperation in different areas. The sides also turned to regional issues of the Southern Caucasus and the ways of their resolution. They also had a detailed discussion on measures for furthering the negotiation process of peaceful resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

During the meeting of Edward Nalbandian with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Columbia Maria Angela Holguin the Ministers agreed to take measures for triggering the development of the relations and in this context emphasized the importance of visa regime facilitation. Minister Nalbandian presented to his Columbian counterpart the efforts of Armenia and international community for the peaceful resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

In this context Foreign Minister of Columbia stressed that the approach of Columbian Parliament concerning Nagorno-Karabakh issue did not reflect the official position of the country and reaffirmed support of exclusively peaceful resolution of the issue based on international law.

The questions which were discussed during the meeting of Edward Nalbandian with Kristian Vigenin, the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, referred to further expansion of Armenian-Bulgarian cooperation, processes in the framework of the EU, the ways of cooperation in the framework of the Eastern Partnership program and Vilnius Summit.

During the conversation between Edward Nalbandian and Rashid Meredov, Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan, the process of the implementation of the arrangements made between the Heads of States during the visit of the president of Turkmenistan last year were discussed. The sides also turned to the work of inter-government committee.

During the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Georgia Edward Nalbandian and Maya Panjikidze the sides discussed the implementation of the arrangements reached between Heads of State of the two countries. They also turned to the position of the two countries on regional issues and the ways of cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian received representatives of the American Jewish Committee in the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations. During the conversation the sides had an exchange of views concerning regional developments in the South Caucasus and processes in the Middle East.

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