The presentation of Hayk Demoyan’s book took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

17 October, 2013

On October 17 the presentation of the book “The Foreign Policy of Turkey and the Karabakh Conflict: A Historical Comparative Analysis” written by Hayk Demoyan, the Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ceremony was attended by Ambassadors accredited in Yerevan and representatives from academic and analytical circles.

During the presentation Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian delivered a welcome address. Congratulating the author upon the presentation of the book the Minister said: “I read this monograph with great interest. I believe it has a great academic value and should be considered not only by historians, experts, diplomats, but also by all researchers who are interested in our region as well as by wider circle of readers”.

Expressing gratitude to the Foreign Ministry for organizing the presentation of the book, Hayk Demoyan stated that this book is a conclusion of his fifteen years research where the foreign policy of Turkey towards Nagorno-Karabakh issue is presented starting from its origin and finishing with nowadays. He emphasized that in this work for the first time until now unpublished historical and archival documents have been put into circulation shedding light on this issue.

“Based on the extensive data it is substantiated in the current work that Turkey seriously contributed to the escalation of the conflict by backing Azerbaijan and now also continues to have a negative impact on the resolution process”- Hayk Demoyan underlined.

The academic value of the book was also highly appreciated by Professor Nikolai Hovhannisyan, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Correspondent Member of the National Academy of Sciences and Professor Arsen Avagyan, Doctor of Historical Sciences and the Head of the Neighboring Countries Department of the MFA.

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