Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia met the Minister of National Defense of Greece

29 October, 2013

On October 29 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandian met Dimitris Avramopoulos, Minister of National Defense of Greece.

Greeting the guest Foreign Minister Nalbandian noted that the two countries are tied by numerous historical and cultural contacts and Armenia attaches great importance to expanding and deepening of relations with such a traditionally friendly country as Greece.

Foreign Minister added that he has warm memories from his official visit to Athens in March this year and the meeting with Dimitris Avramopoulos then in the capacity of Foreign Minister. Edward Nalbandian stated with confidence that the arrangements made during that visit are already being implemented.

The Minister of National Defense underlined that he highly appreciates Armenian-Greek inter-state relations based on mutual trust. He said that history has witnessed many cases when Armenian and Greek people fought together against foreign invaders.

The sides discussed also questions regarding bilateral political and military cooperation.

Minister Nalbandian also presented the efforts of Armenia and international community towards the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

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