Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in the OIF Ministerial meeting

07 November, 2013

On November 7 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian took part in the 29th Ministerial Summit of Organisation internationale de la Francophonie where high level delegations from 77 member, associated and observer states where present.

The agenda of the summit included the process of implementation of the decisions adopted during Kinshasa Summit which took place in October 2012 as well as preparatory works for the summit which will be held next year in Dakar.

During the Ministerial Summit Foreign Minister of Armenia delivered a speech underlining the importance of the cooperation in the framework of the Francophonie and the growing role of the Organization in international arena.

Speaking on the involvement of Armenia in the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Edward Nalbandian said: "It has been already a year that Armenia is a full-member of the OIF. We are glad to be a part of Francophone community which is an important international format of cooperation for enhancing solidarity between states and peoples through multicultural dialogue. It also gives an opportunity to act in a more consolidated manner nn the international arena.

Our participation includes parliamentary, university, decentralized, educational, cultural, sport and some other important directions. In this very context Yerevan hosted the Summit of the International association of Francophone Mayors. A week ago the annual meeting of the Senghor International Chairs of the Francophone took place in Armenia. For a few years consecutively most events in the framework of Francophonie month are organized in Armenia.”

Touching upon the efforts of the OIF to provide stability in different continents Minister Nalbandian stressed that last year during Kinshasa Summit of the OIF the member states of the Organization expressed their full support to the efforts made by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair Countries urging to continue the negotiations based on the proposals of the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group which are considered as an integrated whole. These are the principles of non use or threat of use of force,

equality and the right of self-determination of peoples and territorial integrity. The member states of the OIF also urged the sides of the conflict to refrain from using force or threat of using force which can undermine the peaceful settlement process.

Concluding the speech Minister Nalbandian affirmed that Armenia together with other member states of the OIF will continue making active efforts for strengthening the role of the Organization in the international scene and furthering its goals.

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