Meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Iraq

03 December, 2013

On December 3 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian met with the Foreign Minister of Iraq Hoshiyar Zebari who paid an official visit to Yerevan.

Welcoming the guest Minister Nalbandian stated with satisfaction that recently the cooperation between the two countries has experienced a considerable activation and expressed hope that the visit of the Foreign Minister of Iraq will give a new impetus to bilateral cooperation in different areas. Minister Nalbandian also welcomed the reopening of the Embassy of Iraq in Armenia.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation to visit Armenia and the warm reception Minister Zebari stated that Iraq is interested in deepening cooperation with friendly Armenia and the main goal of his visit is to make arrangements in this aspect. Hoshiyar Zebari also highlighted the contribution of the Armenian Community in the development and prosperity of Iraq.

During the meeting the sides had a detailed conversation about triggering bilateral cooperation, activation of the political dialogue, improving partnership in the framework of the international organizations, expanding the legal framework, collaboration in the areas of trade, economy, science, education and culture. The Ministers also touched upon the possibility of facilitation of visa regime between the two countries.

Upon the request of the guest Armenian Foreign Minister presented the efforts of Armenia and the international community towards the peaceful resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Hoshiyar Zebari informed Edward Nalbandian about the steps undertaken by the Iraqi Government in providing stability and security in Iraq.

The Ministers also had a detailed discussion on numerous issues of regional and international agenda, particularly the Agreement on Iran Nuclear Program and Geneva II conference on Syria conflict.

After the meeting the Ministers signed a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Iraq. Afterwards a joint press conference of the two Ministers followed.

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