Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia to Peru

06 January, 2014

On January 6 the official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian to Peru started.

On the same day a meeting was held between Edward Nalbandian and Eda Rivas Franchini, Foreign Minister of Peru. It started in the format of a tête-à-tête conversation, then continued in the presence of delegations.

The Foreign Minister of Peru welcomed the visit of Armenian Foreign Minister to Lima first time since establishing of diplomatic relations 21 years ago and underlined that the visit provides an opportunity to discuss and explore areas of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation and warm reception Minister Nalbandian said that finding new partners and increasing the number of the friends of Armenia in different continents is one of the main components of Armenian foreign policy and it is the main goal of his visit.

During the meeting Ministers Nalbandian and Rivas exchanged views on the joint steps towards the activation of political dialogue, development of trade and economic relations, triggering decentralized partnership and establishing cooperation in the areas of culture and tourism.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Peru made an arrangement on accrediting Ambassadors in Lima and Yerevan on concurrent basis, appointing honorary consuls, forming legal framework, holding consultations between Ministries of Foreign Affairs, enhancing cooperation in the framework of international organizations, drafting framework agreements in economic area and working on visa facilitation agreements which will be signed during an upcoming high-level meeting.

Minister Rivas presented the development steps and priorities of Peru Government to her Armenian counterpart as well as the role of Peru in the American continent, its involvement in regional integration processes and efforts towards resolving the problems present in the region.

In his turn Edward Nalbandian briefed on the priorities of the Armenian foreign policy and efforts of Armenia and international community towards the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

After the meeting Eda Rivas gave an official dinner in the name of Edward Nalbandian where Magali Silva, Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, as well as high ranked representatives of Peru Parliament and Foreign Ministry participated.
In Lima Minister Nalbandian met Martin Beaunde Moreira, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Congress.

The sides discussed possibilities of developing relations between Armenia and Peru, establishing ties and cooperation between the two Parliaments- the National Assembly of Armenia and the Congress of the Republic of Peru and forming friendship groups.

During the meeting the sides had an exchange of ideas concerning issues of international agenda.

Foreign Minister of Armenia presented the steps of Armenia and international community towards the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations the Parliament of Peru stressing the importance of supporting the work of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

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