Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia to Panama

08 January, 2014

On January 8 the visit of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian to Panama took place.

During the meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Fernando Fabrega, Foreign Minister of Panama the sides continued discussions towards improving bilateral relations which had started in New York last September. In this context welcoming his Armenian counterpart’s visit to Panama, Minister Fabrega stated that it will give a new impetus to the bilateral cooperation.

Minister Nalbandian said that despite the distance of thousands kilometers between Armenia and Panama, the two countries share the same views concerning many issues of international agenda which is a good basis for expanding partnership in different areas.

Both sides stressed the importance of organizing high-level meetings, forming legal framework, holding consultations between the Foreign Ministries, enhancing cooperation in the framework of international organizations. The sides underlined that the appointment of Ambassadors in the two capitals on concurrent basis will contribute to the further expanding of bilateral relations.

Fernando Fabrega presented to Edward Nalbandian activities aimed at the widening of Panama Canal.

Ministers had an exchange of views concerning international and regional issues.
On the same day Edward Nalbandian was received at the National Assembly of Panama where he met with Dalia Bernal, the Chairperson of the Commission on Foreign Relations. Mayra Arosemena, Deputy Foreign Minister of Panama also participated in the meeting.

Chairperson of the Commission on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of Panama presented the activities of the Commission and the work of the Parliament of Panama towards enhancing cooperation with different countries.

Dalia Bernal welcomed Edward Nalbandian’s proposal to create a group of friendship together with the National Assembly of Armenia stressing that it will contribute to the development of inter-parliamentary ties and by this way to the improvement of inter-state relations.

Minister Nalbandian presented the efforts of Armenia and international community towards the peaceful resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

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