Foreign Minister of Armenia met the Speaker of the Parliament of Greece

26 February, 2014

On February 26 a meeting took place between the Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and the Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Evangelos Meimarakis who paid an official visit to Yerevan.

The sides recalled with warmth their meeting in Athens in March last year and stated with confidence that there is an established close interaction between the Parliaments of the two countries, the inter-parliamentary friendship groups are involved in intensive activities which greatly contributes to the development of bilateral relations and deepening of friendship between the peoples.

Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament and the Armenian Foreign Minister stressed the necessity of enhancing cooperation between the delegations of the two countries in the framework of parliamentary assemblies of the international organizations.

During the meeting the steps towards the further development of Armenian-Greek friendly relations were discussed. The sides underlined the importance of triggering trade and economic cooperation and decentralized partnership.

In the context of the Greek Presidency in the EU the sides touched upon Armenia-EU cooperation.

In the context of the recent progress in Cyprus issue Evangelos Meimarakis presented the approaches of Greece concerning this issue.

Minister Nalbandian briefed on the efforts of Armenia and the international community towards the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Edward Nalbandian and Evangelos Meimarakis had an exchange of ideas concerning several regional issues and ways for their resolution.

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