The meeting of the Jermuk Ambassadors’ Club took place

02 March, 2014

On March 2, on the Day of Diplomat of the Republic of Armenia a meeting of the Ambassadors’ Club took place in Jermuk in the presence of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian.

The Ambassadors’ club was founded last year by the initiative of the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The chairman of the club ex-officio is the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Armenia- currently Aiymdos Bozzhigitov.

Traditionally the annual meetings are hosted by the Governor of Vayots Dzor marz Edgar Ghazaryan and the Mayor of Jermuk Vardan Hovhannisyan.

In the meeting participated the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Artak Zakaryan, Deputy Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Armenia accredited Ambassadors.

Edward Nalbandian and the members of the Club discussed the developments in Armenia's foreign policy, the activities towards enhancing cooperation and involvement in the framework of international organizations, efforts made by Armenia and international community towards the peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the Armenian approaches concerning several issues of regional and international agenda.

Edward Nalbandian and the Ambassadors exchanged thoughts about the programs directed at development of relations between Armenia and represented countries as well as plans for the current year.

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