Meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Serbia

10 March, 2014

On March 10 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Ivan Mrkić, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia who is on an official visit in Yerevan.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian noted that the century-long friendship between the Armenian and Serbian people, which has found its expression by many expressions of reciprocal assistance, is a good basis for triggering the interstate cooperation.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation to visit Armenia and for the warm reception Minister Mrkić said he is very glad to visit Yerevan and the main visit of his visit is to promote the bilateral partnership between the two countries to a new level in all possible areas.

The agenda of the meeting also included preparatory works for the upcoming visit of the President of Serbia, expanding the legal framework, enhancing cooperation in the framework of international organizations, vitalizing trade and economic ties, activation of inter-parliamentary friendship groups, questions related to decentralized partnership.

In the context of the Serbian Chairmanship in the OSCE in 2015 the problems facing the Organization were discussed.

Foreign Minister of Serbia briefed on the negotiations with Kosovo in this context highly appreciating the balanced position of Armenia.

Minister Nalbandian presented the common efforts of Armenia and the international community towards the peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Minister Mrkić reaffirmed support to the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group.

The sides had an exchange of thoughts concerning several issues of regional and international agenda.

After the meeting Foreign Ministers Edward Nalbandian and Ivan Mrkić signed the Convention between Armenia and Serbia for the avoidance of double taxation.

The signing ceremony was followed by a joint press conference of the Ministers.

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