Embassy of Sweden is opened in Armenia

13 June, 2014

Foreign Minister received Swedish Minister for Trade 

On June 13 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received the Minister for Trade of Sweden Ewa Björling who is in Yerevan.

Welcoming the guest Minister Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia attaches importance to the development of the relations with Sweden and in this respect stressed the significance of the decision to establish the Embassy in Yerevan. Minister Nalbandian commended the arrival of the Minister Björling with representative delegation of Swedish businessmen.

Expressing gratitude for the reception Minister Björling noted she was pleased to visit Yerevan on the occasion of the opening of the Embassy and holding of the business forum, that would give new impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation.

A number of issues concerning the deepening of cooperation in the international organizations, activation of trade and economic ties, exchanges in the fields of education and culture, the expansion of the legal framework, Armenia-European Union cooperation were on the agenda of the meeting.

On the same day in the presence of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and Minister for Trade Ewa Björling the official ceremony of the establishment of the Embassy of Sweden took place in Yerevan.

Watch the related video here: http://www.mfa.am/video/video.html

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