Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia was opened in Lyon

22 July, 2014

On July 21 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian together with Jean-Francois Carenco, Prefect of Rhone-Alpes region, Senator Gerard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon, Danielle Chuzeville, President of the General Council of Rhone, launched the official opening ceremony of the Consulate General of Armenia in Lyon. At the ceremony Charles Aznavour, French MP’s, politicians, public and cultural figures as well as heads of Armenian community organizations and journalists were present.

Delivering a welcoming address Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian stressed the importance of establishing the Consulate General in Lyon emphasizing that Lyon and Rhone-Alpes have a special role within the framework of the French-Armenian privileged relations and development of multi-dimensional cooperation.

“First references about the Armenian presence in Lyon date from the Middle Ages, at first Armenian traders, then silk producers established themselves in this region”- Minister Nalbandian said.

“Thousands of Armenians who survived the Genocide and came to Marseille, then moved upwards the Rhine river and found their second motherland in Lyon, Valence, Grenoble, Vienne, Roanne, Villeurbanne, Saint –Ettiene, Decinec, Saint-Chamond, etc. They integrated into the French society, brought and still bring their contribution to the development of Rhone-Alpes and its cities.

Today Lyon and Rhone-Alpes with their Armenian churches, monuments, schools, cultural and sport centers witness the high level of the integration of the Armenians and at the same time the strong ties with Armenia.

There are hundreds of monuments, squares, streets and khachkars dedicated to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims and Armenians in general. I recall with warmth the exciting ceremony of opening the Monument dedicated to the victims of the Genocide together with the Mayor of Lyon in April, 2006. 

Minister Nalbandian expressed gratitude to the regional, district and municipal authorities of Lyon and Rhone-Alpes, Armenian organizations, French citizens of Armenian descent for the continuous support and their contribution to enhancing Armenian-French friendship.

Congratulating the guests with the opening of the Consulate General Minister Nalbandian expressed confidence that under the leadership of Consul General Nikolai Sarkisov it will have an important contribution in the development and deepening of Armenian-French relations.

During the opening ceremony Jean-Francois Carenco-Prefect of Rhone-Alpes region, Senator Gerard Collomb-Mayor of Lyon, Danielle Chuzeville-President of the General Council of Rhone also delivered a speech expressing assurance that it will give a new quality and impetus to the Armenian-French decentralized cooperation and enhancement of ties between Lyon as well as other communities of Rhone-Alpes and their partner Armenian towns.

After the speeches the national flag of Armenia was raised under the music of the Armenian national anthem on the Consulate General. Afterwards Edward Nalbandian, Charles Aznavour, Jean-Francois Carenco, Gerard Collomb, Danielle Chuzeville and Nikolai Sarkisov cut the symbolic red ribbon.

The opening ceremony of the Consulate General was widely covered by local media. 

Watch the related video here: 

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