Ambassador of Jordan presented the copies of his credentials to the Foreign Minister of Armenia

08 September, 2014

On September 8 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received the newly appointed Ambassador of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Muhammad Nur Osman Jusef Balkar (residence in Tashkent) on the occasion of presenting the copies of his credentials.

Congratulating the Ambassador, Minister Nalbandian expressed hope that Ambassador Balkar will bring his contribution to the further development and deepening of traditionally friendly Armenian-Jordanian relations.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Ambassador of Jordan assured that he will undertake practical steps for expansion of bilateral cooperation.

During the conversation Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Balkar had a detailed discussion on the preparations of the upcoming visit of the President of Armenia to Jordan and elaboration of documents to be signed during the visit.

Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Balkar exchanged views on the ongoing processes in the Middle East - Syrian crisis, continuing violence by extremists in the Northern Iraq and efforts, aimed at the settlement of that situation.

Armenian Foreign Minister presented priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy es and Armenia’s approaches on resolution of regional issues.

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